Working papers
Manuel Macera and Andy Neumeyer, Demographic Transitions and Fiscal Imbalances in Latin America, February 2024
Juan Sebastián López Almirante and Andy Neumeyer, A Welfare Analysis of Dollarization, June 2023, Slides
Andrés Neumeyer, Alfonso Gauna, and Emilio Espino, Models of Balance of Payments Crisis with Capital Controls, June 2023, Slides
Can Soylu, Martín Goznález-Rozada, and Andy Neumeyer, Inflation in Ethiopia, 2022 (revised January 2024)
Francisco J. Buera, Roberto N. Fattal-Jaef, Hugo Hopenhayn, and P. Andres Neumeyer & Yongseok Shin, December 2024 (first version July 2020). "The Economic Ripple Effects of a Temporary Shutdown," NBER Working Papers 28704 (R&R REStud). Slides (video).
Javier Charotti, Constantino Hevia, and Andy Neumeyer, "The macroeconomics of Itaipú: an open economy model of a large spending shock," May 2018, Slides.
Constantino Hevia, Andrés Neumeyer and Juan Pablo Nicolini, Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a New Keynesian Model with a Dutch Disease, 2013
Matías Busso, Mariano Spector and Andrés Neumeyer, Skills, Informality and the Size Distribution of Firms, 2012 (revised (2017)
Papers in Refereed Journals
Andrés Neumeyer, and Juan Pablo Nicolini, The Incredible Taylor Principle: A Comment, Journal of Political Economy, April 2025 (vol. 133, no. 4). Slides.
Constantino Hevia, Manuel Macera, Pablo Andrés Neumeyer, Covid-19 in unequal societies, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 140, July 2022. PDF. Slides.
Fernando Alvarez, Martin Beraja, Martín Gonzalez Rozada, and P. Andrés Neumeyer, From Hyperinflation to Stable Prices: Argentina’s evidence on menu cost models, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 134, Issue 1, February 2019. Replication material.
Pablo A Neumeyer and Fabrizio Perri, Business cycles in emerging economies: the role of interest rates, Journal of Monetary Economics, 52 (2), 345-380, 2005
F Alvarez, PJ Kehoe, PA Neumeyer, The time consistency of optimal monetary and fiscal policies, Econometrica 72 (2), 541-567, 2004
Pablo A Neumeyer, Inflation-stabilization risk in economies with incomplete asset markets, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 23 (3), 371-391, 1999
P. Andrés Neumeyer, Currencies and the allocation of risk: The welfare effects of a monetary union, American Economic Review, 246-259,1998
Miguel Kiguel, Andrés Neumeyer, Seigniorage and inflation: the case of Argentina, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 27 (3), 672-682, 1995
Chapters in Books
Constantino Hevia and P. Andrés Neumeyer y Constantino Hevia, A Perfect Storm: COVID-19 in Emerging Economies, in Djankov, S and U Panizza (eds), COVID-19 in Developing Economies, a eBook, CEPR Press, 22 June 2020 (Also in VOXEU, April 21, 2021).
Constantino Hevia and Andy Neumeyer, A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing the Economic Impact of COVID-19 and its Policy Implications, in López-Calva, Luis F. and M. Meléndez (eds), The Socioeconomic Implications of the COVID Pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: Ideas for Policy Action, 2020
Fernando Alvarez and Andrés Neumeyer, The Pass-Through of Large Cost Shocks in an Inflationary Economy, in Volumen 27, Serie Banca Central: Changing Inflation Dynamics, Evolving Monetary Policy, edited by Gonzalo Castex, Jordi Galí, and Diego Saravia, Central Bank of Chile, 2020
Hugo Hopenhayn, Andrés Neumeyer, Explaining Argentina’s Great Depression of 1975–90 in Eduardo Fernandez-Arias, Rodolfo Manuelli and Juan S. Blyde (eds) Sources of Growth in Latin America. What is Missing, 2005
Andrés Neumeyer and Juan Pablo Nicolini Using Balance Sheet Data to Identify Sovereign Default and Devaluation Risk in Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Federico Sturzenegger (eds), Dollarization: Debates and Policy Alternatives, The MIT Press, 2002
Comments on “Expectations and the Neutrality of Interest Rates” by John Cochrane, proceedings 22nd BIS Annual Conference "Central banks, macro-financial stability and the future of the financial system," October 2023. Text (October 2023). Slides (June 2023).
Comments on "The Monetary and Fiscal History of Paraguay 1960:2017" by Javier Charotti, Carlos Fernández Valdovinos, and Felipe Gonzalez Soley in Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America. Paper, My Comments.
Policy work
Ricardo Hausmann & Tim O'Brien & Timothy Cheston & Ibrahim Worku Hassen & Can Soylu & Kishan Shah & Nikita Taniparti & Pankhuri Prasad & Pablo Andrés Neumeyer, 2022. "Development in a Complex World: The Case of Ethiopia," CID Working Papers 423, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Ricardo Hausmann & Tim O'Brien & Timothy Cheston & Nikita Taniparti & Ibrahim Worku Hassen & Can Soylu & Lucas Lamby & Pablo Andrés Neumeyer, 2022. "A Survey of Importers: Results of a Survey Conducted in Collaboration with the Ethiopian Economics Association," CID Working Papers 424, Center for International Development at Harvard University.
Old Working Papers
Ariel Burstein, Nir Jaimovich, and Andrés Neumeyer, Consumer behavior during the 2002 Argentine crisis: a macroeconomic analysis with microeconomic data, 2010. PDF
Andrés Neumeyer and G Sandleris, Understanding Productivity During the Argentine Crisis , 2010
Hugo Hopenhayn and Andrés Neumeyer, Productivity and Distortions, 2008
Martín González-Rozada, PA Neumeyer, A Clemente, DL Sasson, N Trachter, The Elasticity of Substitution in Demand for Non-Tradable Goods in Latin America: The Case of Argentina, 2004
Fernando Alvarez, Pablo A Neumeyer, Should Honest Governments Sell Futures?, 1999
Makoto Yano, Andrés Neumeyer, Cross border nominal assets and international monetary interdependence, 1995